Bottled Water Vs Water from Refrigerator Filters
We often tend to use bottled water instead of installing a filtration system in our homes because we think that bottled water is much safer than any other sort of water. However, I feel sorry to break the bubble to you that bottled water is also not that safe according to Consumer Reports’ research. Why so? This is because despite undergoing all kinds of treatment bottled water is found to have considerable amounts of arsenic- at least 3 ppb to be more specific which may cause harm which we all should want to avoid.

What are the specific harmful effects of Arsenic?
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element found in rocks and soil and is used in the agriculture industry as pesticide as well. It can easily end up in the water supply when certain types of rocks and minerals erode over time or from agricultural runoff. It is tasteless and odourless and can turn out to be highly toxic. The non-cancer side effects of drinking water containing considerable amounts of arsenic include:
1. Sharp pain in the stomach.
2. Feeling of nausea.
3. Vomiting.
4. Diarrhea.
5. Numbness in hands and feet.
6. Partial paralysis.
7. Blindness.
8. Discoloration of skin.
Long-term, chronic exposure to arsenic has been linked to cancer.
The possible health risks of arsenic are precisely the reason as to why packaged drinking water should be dropped and we should all turn to safer alternatives.
What can be a safer alternative to bottled water?
A safer alternative to packaged drinking water will be having filtration systems installed in our homes. And one very viable way to do that is to make extensive use of refrigerator water filters. If your refrigerator has a refrigerator filtration system installed inside it then this ensures that the water you are drinking is as healthy as it can be. These refrigerator filters remove harmful contaminants that usually come through normal tap water. Clean filtered water is made available to anyone and anytime and this also provides a tension-free life as you know you’re and your loved ones’ good health is well ensured due to the clean and safe water that you all are consuming.

$16 billion- Volume and producer revenues for the US bottled water market in 2016. $600 is the amount you save every year for switching from bottled water to fridge filtration systems using refillable containers.
Water from fridge filters are far more clean than packaged drinking water which should be of utmost importance to us. Many filters clean water by reverse osmosis. Pressure is put on the incoming water which then flows through a semi permeable membrane that traps contaminants and the water comes out clean. Get fridge filters with pore size equal to 1 micron or less to effectively get rid of contaminants.
Thus, installing personal filtration systems is much better than drinking water from purchased bottles as it reduces your exposure to arsenic by great levels and ensures your protection from a wide variety of harmful effects that arsenic is known to have.